Two hundred participants took part in the selection of the district panwaslu in Wondama

The Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Teluk Wondama Regency, West Papua, has held a written selection of candidates for the election supervisory committee (panwaslu) at the district or sub-district level (district panwaslu) with a total of 243 test participants.

The chairman of the Bawaslu of Teluk Wondama Regency, Menahen Sabarofek in Wasior, Monday, said that the offline selection will be held on Saturday (15/10) at the Wasior State Junior High School.

It was stated that 41 people were not present so they were declared disqualified. There are 284 candidates for members of the district Panwaslu who have passed the administrative selection.

"As many as 41 people who did not attend were spread over several districts, most of them from districts in coastal areas and islands which are far from Wasior City," said Sabarotek.

The Wondama Bawaslu previously disseminated information regarding the implementation of the written selection of candidates for the district Panwaslu members through social media. In addition, written announcements were posted in public places, and sent to all districts.

"The announcement was made long ago through various information channels. So, everyone should have known the time and place of the written test. There may be obstacles so that they are not present," he said.

The written test material was prepared by the RI Bawaslu. The material for the questions was only received by the Bawaslu of Teluk Wondama Regency on the H-1 of the test.

After the selection, he said, all unused questions, including the reserve questions, were immediately destroyed by burning in front of the local Bawaslu office.

The implementation of the written test and the destruction was directly supervised by a supervision team from the Bawaslu of West Papua Province.
The Bawaslu of Teluk Wondama Regency destroyed unused question files and spare questions after carrying out the written selection stage for candidates for district Panwaslu members on the Wasior State Junior High School yard. ANTARA/HO-Zack Tonu B.

The interest of the Wondama community to become members of the district panwaslu, according to him, is relatively high. This is evidenced by the number of applicants who registered more than 300 people.

One of the test takers named Daud Ramandey admitted that he was interested in becoming a member of the district panwaslu because he wanted to gain experience as well as strengthen knowledge about elections.

"In the 2020 Pilkada, I will be the Chairperson of the Supervisory Committee for the Teluk Duairi District. Now I am participating again. If it is accepted, I want to help the community understand this election well," said Daud, a participant from Aisandami Village.

In accordance with the stages, participants who pass the written test will then take part in the last part of the district Panwaslu selection, namely the interview session.

Based on score ratings from written tests and interviews, the Bawaslu of Teluk Wondama Regency determines the six people with the best ranking from each district/sub-district to become members of the district panwaslu.

"The weight (score) is 40: 60. As many as 40 percent are for the written test and 60 are for the interview. Later the results will pass six people because of two needs. So, three people are appointed (the highest rank), and three others are reserves," explained Sabarofek.


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