Mamberamo Middle BLT Recipients Required Rapid Test

The Central Mamberamo District Government has again distributed Phase I and II Direct Cash Assistance (BLT) to communities in three Eragayam District villages by requiring beneficiaries to take a rapid test to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The distribution of BLT stages I and II to residents was symbolically handed over by Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak to three village heads who were witnessed by the community in Kampung Kino.

Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak (RHP) said that the three villages that received BLT assistance in phase I and II included Kino, Molagi and Ayeki.

"The number of BLT recipients from the three villages totaled 349 families (KK), of which 1 household head received Rp1,200.00 for two stages. Those who received BLT, have already done a rapid test, "he said.

According to the RHP Regent, before the community received BLT funds, the Mamberamo COVID-19 Team first conducted a rapid test for the community.

"This rapid test must be followed by people who are scattered in five districts including those in Eragayam District, if they do not take the rapid test then it will definitely not receive BLT," he said.

Because the BLT funds taken 40 percent of the village funds were allocated directly to the community when the COVID-19 pandemic took place.

"The money was immediately received by the community, the village heads only witnessed to ensure that those who received were truly citizens," he added.

Still according to Regent Ricky Ham Pagawak, after distributing BLT to these three villages, other villages, namely Yabendili, Winima, Engaima, Winam and Egama, will continue in the Eragayam District.

With the funds received two stages at a time, said the regent. People should be able to use it to supplement their daily needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Bupati of the two periods said, after the BLT payment in Eragayam and Kobakma Districts, it would be resumed in the Districts of Ilugwa, Kelila and Megambilis.

"We will complete the BLT payment until all people in the five districts receive it," said the Regent.

Head of Ayeki Village, Thomas Togodly, admitted that the BLT funds received were very helpful for the community in meeting their needs.

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