Government Ensures New Territorial Expansion Drives Progress in Papua

The government ensures that the expansion of the Papua region into a number of new autonomous regions (DOB) aims to encourage the achievement of a leap of progress and prosperity in Cenderawasih Earth.

Deputy V of the Presidential Staff Office, Jaleswari Pramodhawardani explained that efforts to encourage the achievement of prosperity in Papua through the new autonomous regions are a mandate to amend the Special Autonomy Law through Law Number 2 of 2021.

"(Amendment to the Special Autonomy Law) is a form of national budget politics that is committed to affirming the acceleration of welfare development in Papua," said Dani, his nickname in a discussion at the Merdeka Forum broadcast on Youtube FMB9, Monday (27/6).
From a quantitative point of view, explained Dani, there was an increase in special special autonomy funds from the previous 2 percent to 2.25 percent of the national general allocation fund. Not to mention, including an increase in infrastructure transfer funds and other revenue-sharing funds.

"From a qualitative perspective, the use of special autonomy funds is specifically determined by the minimum percentage of its use in strategic aspects that encourage welfare development," he explained.
The law will prioritize improving the welfare of indigenous Papuans, strengthening traditional institutions, spending on education, and spending on health.

"This ensures that the allocation of crucial sectors in welfare development is guaranteed and cannot be compromised," said Dani.

Dani also emphasized the principle of accountability for the use of special autonomy funds. The use of funds is regulated to be used by prioritizing the principle of layered financial management.

The management, said Dani, is coordinated by Ministries/Agencies, non-ministerials, local governments, DPRD, BPK, to universities.

"Preventing the misuse of the budget because of the implementation of layered supervision and involving many stakeholders," said Dani.

In essence, said Dani, the development of Papua through regional expansion is closely related to President Jokowi's development doctrine: Indonesia-centric development.

"This doctrine is known as building from the outskirts in which areas that are far from the nation's capital and whose conditions are lagging behind in development are given special attention by the president," he stressed.

Don't Margin Papuan Sons and Daughters

In the same discussion, Papuan Local Political Observer Frans Maniagasi historically assessed that the development of the Papua region was not new. This has been done by the previous government.

He also underlined that the division of territory in Papua should not have implications for the marginalization of Papuan natives.

"Our challenge going forward is how to accelerate development towards prosperity, not to exclude the local population," said Frans affirmed.

Meanwhile, the head of the Papuan Community Institution (LMA), Lenis Kogoya, acknowledged that the issue of the division of Papua has indeed brought pros and cons. However, this can be handled with a massive approach and socialization by the government.

"So we only provide a sense of peace to the community so that we will certainly oversee every government program," he said.

Customary institutions, under the Special Autonomy Law, he said, have an obligation to oversee central and regional government programs in accordance with our customary institutions.

"Whether we like it or not, we will still monitor the government's decision," he said.


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