The Jayapura Regency Government hopes that KTNA members show expertise in the Maros Pre Penas event

The District Government (Pemkab) of Jayapura, Papua Province hopes that members of the Mainstay Farmers and Fishermen Contacts (KTNA) in that area can demonstrate expertise and skills in pre-Penas farmer-fishermen in Maros, South Sulawesi.

Jayapura Deputy Regent Giri Wijayantoro in a press release received by ANTARA in Jayapura, Sunday, said that the Pre-National Week (Pra Penas) KTNA is a forum for learning, exchanging information, experiences and developing partnerships and networks of cooperation between farmers and fishermen.

"So that every member of the Jayapura Regency KTNA who is included in this delegation is expected to be able to show their expertise and skills in their respective fields well," he said.

According to Giri, his party hopes that through the Pre-Penas KTNA the Jayapura Regency contingent can share experiences, discussions and consultations, as a means of strengthening the strengthening of local commodities for food self-sufficiency.

Similarly, the chairman of the Jayapura Regency KTNA, Adolf Yoku said that the event was a moment of shared commitment in strengthening local food commodities as well as Jayapura Regency displaying products that hypnotized many visitors.

"We display local products at the exhibition stand (where) this opportunity is also for farmers and fishermen to learn from each other, especially understanding innovation in the digital era because almost all fields of cultivation are now using new technology," he said.

According to Adolf, by understanding new technology through Pre Penas, KTNA members apply all the knowledge gained in order to be able to increase the productivity of agricultural commodities.

Just to note that the KTNA Pre Penas event will take place from 25 to 27 June 2022 before the XVI meeting of farmers and fishermen throughout Indonesia (Penas Tani) in Padang, West Sumatra in 2023.


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