This is the Jayapura Regency Government's Commitment to Improve Public Health Insurance
In order to improve health insurance for the (State Civil Apparatus (ASN) and Non ASN, the Jayapura Regency Government (Pemkab) held a meeting with the Regional Deputy, Participant Sector, Bali Nusa Tenggara Papua Office.
The meeting which was held in the Regent's VIP Room was chaired by the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Jayapura Regency, Hana Hikoyabi and Assistant II for Economic Affairs of the Jayapura Regency Secretariat, Joko Sunaryo and was attended by the Deputy Director of the Regions of Bali, Nusa Tenggara, and Papua.
Then the Assistant Deputy Director for Participation for the Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Papua Regions, the Assistant Deputy Director for Finance for the Bali, Nusa Tenggara and Papua Regions.
As well as the Head of the BPJS Employment Office of the Papua Jayapura Branch, the Head of the Participation Division of the Papua Jayapura Branch, the Account Representative for the Participation Division of the Papua Jayapura Branch and the Papua Jayapura Branch Frontliners.
Jayapura Regency Secretary, Hana Hikoyabi said the meeting was related to the participation of ASN and Non ASN in BPJS Employment.
"This meeting is a follow-up to the Jayapura Regency Government with BPJS for the participation of BPJS members for ASN and non ASN, and from now on, two thousand ASN have been registered as participants and there are still most who have not been registered, such as non ASN," he explained.
Meanwhile, for the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) level, it is still quite a bit.
"For OPD there are 14 registered people, and there are still 20 people," he said.
So with that, in the future the Jayapura Regency Government will encourage in the form of a circular, so that all ASN and Non ASN so that they are obliged to register themselves with BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.
"That way we don't get data from their SKPD, but we can intervene directly and budget. Why is that, because the benefits of BPJS Employment are quite good for ASN and Non ASN," he added.
Meanwhile, the Deputy for Regions, Membership Affairs, Bali Nusa Tenggara Papua Office, Kuncoro Budi Sunaryo added, his party really appreciates the Jayapura Regency Government.
"What the Jayapura Regency Government has done today is quite good, where we have recorded that as many as 2,208 ASN and non ASN workers already have BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," said Kuncoro.
Thus, Kuncoro said, his party hopes that in the future it will continue to be pursued for ASN and Non ASN.
"We hope that in the future this will be a sustainable program in improving the welfare of the people in Jayapura Regency," he said.
SOURCE: Masyarakat
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