Benefits of DOB for the Next Generation of Papua

The expansion of Papua or the formation of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) in Papua is a hot topic with various benefits for the next generation in Papua. The Papua New Guinea is believed to be the key to the welfare of the Papuan people and to help accelerate economic development in Papua.

The Papua New Guinea has officially taken effect after the House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia has approved the Draft Law (RUU) to become a Law (UU) in the Plenary Session of Session V Year 2021-2022, on Thursday, June 30, 2022 ago.

With the ratification of the Papua New Guinea, Bumi Cenderawasih will have three new provinces, namely Central Papua Province, South Papua Province, and Papua Mountains Province.

The capital of Central Papua Province is Nabire, and has the traditional name Mee Pago. Central Papua is mostly inhabited by the Mee tribe. Other tribes that also occupy Central Papua Province include Damal, Dani, Moni, and Nduga.

The province of South Papua has the customary name Anim Ha, with Merauke as its capital city. The tribe that inhabits the South Papua region is the Marind Anim, which consists of seven major clans. The seven clans are Gebze, Kaize, Samkakai, Ndiken, Mahuze, Balagaize, and Basik. Apart from Marind Anim, South Papua Province is also inhabited by the Asmat Tribe, which is divided into two, namely those who live on the coast and in the interior.

Papua Mountains Province has its capital in Wamena, and has the traditional name La Pago. Papua Mountains Province is inhabited by at least 23 tribes, including Dani, Dem, Ndugwa, Ngalik, Ngalum, Nimbora, Pesekhem, Pyu, Una, Uria, Himanggona, Karfasia, Korapan, Kupel, Timorini, Wanam, Biki, Momuna, Murop, Sela Sarmi, Nayak, Nduga, and Yali.

The 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, HM Jusuf Kalla, stated that the formation of new autonomous regions was a way to bring the government closer to its people. This is done considering the very large area of Papua. With the establishment of new autonomous regions, it will accelerate services to the community. This is because with its very large area, Papua, which previously only had two provinces, would make it difficult for areas far from the center of government to obtain various facilities from the government. With the new autonomous regions, a new regional government center will be born, and will reach more people for services.

In line with Jusuf Kalla's statement, the Mayor of Sorong, Lambertus Jitmau said that the division of territory in Papua would provide opportunities for generations in Sorong Raya and its surroundings to develop. With the expansion of the region, supporting facilities will be built to improve the ability of the younger generation.

Development of supporting facilities to improve the ability of the younger generation, for example, is educational facilities. Educational facilities such as new schools will improve the quality of the young generation in Papua. With good education, it will improve people's living standards, and improve the welfare of the Papuan people in the future. Good educational facilities will also be a way to eradicate illiteracy and become a stepping stone for the next generation of Papuans to reach higher ideals.

Improving the quality of the next generation of Papua has also been promoted with the development of the Papua Youth Creative Hub. The development of the Papua Youth Creative Hub is a support from the Central Government in providing more space for Papuan children to be more creative, develop and progress. President Joko Widodo said that there are many excellent seeds with excellent talents in Papua in the fields of science, arts and culture, and sports, and it is a big task for all of us to prepare good talent management to organize, and this is where the role of Papua will be. Youth Creative Hub.

In addition to educational support facilities, health facilities as a place for the community to receive treatment, treatment, and disease recovery facilities will also be built in the expansion area. Health facilities will become an extension of the government's hand to Papuans to become a healthy generation away from various diseases. In addition, health facilities will be a place to serve and apply knowledge for Papuan sons and daughters who take education in the health sector to their environment.

Other community services for the administration of important documents such as the Village Office, Camat Office, Population and Civil Registry Office (Disdukcapil), as well as other related service offices will also be built. The construction of these offices will make it easier for Papuans to get optimal services for their every need. Furthermore, the construction of these new offices will make it easier for the community to take care of all their official administrative documents because of their close location to where they live.

The Papua New Guinea will also increase security for Papuans. The formation of a new province will give birth to a new Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia (Polda). The addition of security forces personnel in Papua will help keep the community safe from security threats that will arise. The threat of riots or terror threats from the Papuan Separatist Terrorist Group (KSTP) to the community can be minimized because the number of security forces is increasing and they are close to the community.

The Papua New Guinea will increase progress and prosperity in Papua. All the positive impacts that will be born in Papua are a form of the Indonesian Government's love for Papua. Hopefully the Papuan people will be able to smile proudly to be part of the Indonesian nation with its various developments.


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