BI Papua expects local MSMEs to see opportunities globally

The Representative Office (KPw) of Bank Indonesia (BI) Papua Province hopes that local Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) can see opportunities to compete globally.
Deputy Head of Bank Indonesia Representative Office for Papua Province, Dedy Irianto, told Antara in Jayapura, Thursday, that business actors must look carefully at what opportunities are suitable for needs outside Papua through digitalization support.
"Just like batik, which is usually only worn by batik lovers, but business people must also see how young people can use it," he said.
According to Dedy, MSME actors now have to think realistically about their profits and targets, because they will compete globally.
"For this reason, we and other agencies must also think about how to find people who are really willing to try and see opportunities and create new ideas so that we cannot work alone together," he said again.
He explained, in developing a business, local MSMEs must have a working group that wants to move forward together in order to compete at the national and international levels.
"So when we want to take advantage of external competitiveness, of course we have to look at what products other countries don't have, we have to take advantage of the opportunities that exist according to what is needed," he said again.
Currently, his party sees that many Papuan MSMEs are willing to compete, but so far they have not dared to develop their businesses, so solutions must be sought in groups.


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