Papua Region Turns to Get Housing Assistance Program

The West Papua region received a self-help housing stimulant assistance program (BSPS) of 250 housing units that were unfit for habitation. The implementation is carried out in six districts using the National Affordable Housing Program and regular programs.

The housing assistance program continues to expand to various areas, especially outside Java. The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) distributes housing assistance programs for communities in the West Papua Province through the self-help stimulant assistance program (BSPS) or house renovation program.

This house renovation program was carried out to arrange 250 houses for people who were not fit for habitation in six districts of West Papua. According to the Director General of Housing at the PUPR Ministry, Iwan Suprijanto, this house renovation program will continue to be pushed to various regions, including the Papua region.

“This BSPS program is also to encourage the role of local governments in relation to housing programs, including the community, especially the beneficiary community. Through this house renovation program, the government continues to strive to create houses that are livable, both in terms of building resilience, building area, sanitation, and various other facilities," he said.

This housing program is also a form of state responsibility as regulated by the 1945 Constitution. The implementation of good housing and settlement areas must continue to be encouraged so that all people can access adequate, healthy, safe, harmonious and sustainable housing facilities.

Head of the Papua II Housing Provision Implementation Center (P2P) Yance Pabisa explained that the housing program in the West Papua region included in the 2022 budget is for self-help, public and commercial houses (RUK) in the Balai Papua II Housing Provision Work Unit.

"The total number of houses that have been revitalized is 250 housing units worth Rp. 23.5 million for each house in mainland Papua and Rp. 40 million for each house in the mountainous Papua region," he explained.

The target of 200 housing units for the recipients of the BSPS Program will be implemented in five districts, namely Teluk Wondama Regency, Teluk Bintuni Regency, South Manokwari Regency, Tambrauw Regency, and Maybrat Regency. In each of these districts 40 houses were dissected.

A total of 200 housing units were carried out under the self-help quality improvement program through the National Affordable Housing Program (NAHP) while 50 units through the self-help (regular) quality improvement program implemented in Kaimana Regency.


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