The Papua Provincial Government hopes that FJPN will provide an understanding of digital literacy

The Papuan Provincial Government (Pemprov) through the local Communication and Information Office (Diskominfo) hopes that the 2022 Papuan Student Journalist Festival (FJPN) will make the younger generation better understand and utilize digital space for positive activities on Earth of Cenderawasih.
Head of the Papua Province Communication and Information Office Jeri Agus Yudianto told ANTARA in Jayapura, Friday, saying that the presence of the Nusantara Student Journalists Festival has also given brilliant ideas, so that it can become a reference for every young generation.
"We really welcome this activity because in the future there will be more social control in Papua so that it becomes part of digital literacy," he said.
According to Jeri, as is well known now a lot of fake news is spread on social media so that digital literacy is needed from an early age so that it can become a new understanding for the prospective generation of Papua.
"Because of the ideas submitted, it becomes a very extraordinary part and of course there will be more social control in Papua," he said.

He explained in the spirit of the 94th Youth Pledge Day as well as the year of youth awakening so that they can become strategic partners as a channel of aspirations which is expected to be widely used to fill digital spaces.
"As is well known, this youth oath has become a driving force for nationalist feelings so that the future of Papua is in the hands of the youth," he said.
He added that as a generation of development, it is also hoped that young people can innovate and be creative to increase added value for the progress of Papua.
Previously, the 2022 Papuan Archipelago Student Journalist Festival was held with the theme "Knitting Facts, Preventing Hoaxes and Upholding Humanity in the News" which was attended by 105 participants from 7 schools and one university at the Diskominfo Papua Hall, Friday (28/10).


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