Bapenda Manokwari: Taxpayers are given the opportunity to get relief

The Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) of Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, provides an opportunity for taxpayer objects (OWP), especially restaurant, lodging and entertainment entrepreneurs, to receive relief from Regional Tax Assessment Letters (SKPD) issued.
Secretary of Bapenda Manokwari Umrah Nur in Manokwari, Monday (11/14), stated that every OWP can apply for tax relief, while his party will look at this based on the income report received to make a decision on tax relief.

"The form of the tax relief will be seen because there are two types, namely reduction and installments or installments of tax arrears," he said.
He ensured that the Manokwari Regency Government has never set a tax rate by taking into account the amount of income, but each OWP is required to pay tax of 10 percent of total income.
The object of the taxpayer, he said, is to report his own income, while Bappenda Manokwari will examine the income report material to calculate the amount of tax that must be paid by OWP.
"If their report is complete and correct, we will issue a zero SKPD, but if it is not correct, then an underpaid SKPD will be issued, the amount of which will be calculated by a team from Bappenda," he said.
On Monday afternoon, the Manokwari Bapenda team put up two stickers bearing the KPK logo in two places, namely the Samono Shop (Miniso Group) in Padarni Village and the Five Star Villa Inn in Amban Village.
However, the sticker for Five Star Villa was finally revoked after management immediately paid tax obligations worth IDR 12.5 million.

Meanwhile, Sales Representative for Toko Samono from Miniso Group Suryadi stated that his party had only been operating since July 2022 and had submitted a letter of request for tax relief because the tax that had to be paid was considered too high.
"We have asked for relief for six months (July-December 2022), and it only remains to be delivered after that from the center who will pay," he said.
Since the beginning of November 2022 until now, at least places in three OWP, including restaurants, inns and entertainment venues, have had stickers warning of tax payments with the logos of the Manokwari Regency Government and the KPK. As many as three of them are confirmed to have the awareness to pay taxes.


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