Family Makes Sure Filep Karma Dies by Drowning

Activist Filep Karma was found dead at Base-G Beach, Jayapura City. The victim's daughter, Andrefina, said her father died from drowning.
"Earlier I had taken the external post-mortem, and indeed based on the external post-mortem it was clear that your father died from drowning," said Andrefina to reporters in Jayapura, Tuesday (1/11/2022).

"At that time it sank or during a dive so that it was stranded at Base-G," continued Andrefina.
Andrefina said that his father did say goodbye to diving last Saturday (29/10). Filep Karma also had time to swim with one of his family on Sunday (30/10) morning.

"There is also a witness from the family who also said that they met with you on Sunday morning and swam together but you did not come home," he said.

According to Andrefina, his father did not come home because he was waiting for the sea to recede so he could dive. That's why he was abandoned by his family.

"Because at first I wanted to dive because the water was rising, waiting for the water to recede. Finally, the family went home alone without my father coming," he said.
Summarized by, here is the chronology of Filep saying goodbye to his family to go diving until he was found dead on Base-G Beach.

Saturday, October 29, 2022
Filep Karma reportedly said goodbye to his family to go diving. There is no further information on where the victim went diving and with whom.

Tuesday 1 November 2022
05.00 WIT
A man named Daniel Manufandu (43) is casting nets on the beach. Daniel then saw the corpse of a man on the beach in a wetsuit.

Daniel Manufandu then immediately informed a man named Steven Selvanus Nelson (41). Steven then reported to a member of the North Jayapura Polsek, Bripka D. Wondiwoy via telephone.

06.30 WIT
Bripka D. Wondiwoy arrived at the scene. After confirming the discovery of the body, he then reported it to the North Jayapura Police.

At 07.40 WIT
North Jayapura Police Chief AKP Jahja Rumra and four of his personnel arrived at the scene. The police then conducted a crime scene investigation.

At 07.43 WIT
North Jayapura Police personnel installed a Police line at the TKP. A number of local residents then
08.05 WIT
Five Criminal Police personnel, led by Ipda Andri Rihulay, arrived at the scene and participated in identifying the bodies.

08.16 WIT
An ambulance belonging to Bhayangkara Abepura Hospital arrived at the scene.

08.30 WIT
Filep's body was taken to an ambulance accompanied by his family. The body was then taken to Bhayangkara Abepura Hospital.


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