Build Tapioca Factory With Village Funds

Build Tapioca Factory With Village Funds

A Village-Owned Enterprise (BUMDes) in Kampung Udapi Hilir, Prafi District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Indonesia, succeeded in building a tapioca flour factory through village funds disbursed by the central government.
The development will be carried out in stages, starting from the planning process in 2016. After successfully being established in 2018 and continuing construction in 2019, a tapioca flour factory that utilizes cassava as raw material was inaugurated.
The factory, managed by BUMDes Bangun Ansanyar, was operational before it was officially opened. In fact, it has been able to supplier a number of business actors in the area.
Bumdes Director Bangun Ansanyar, Sukatno at the inauguration explained in 2016 that his party received support from a village fund of Rp50 million to start construction of the factory.
"Because it is not enough, we save money. In 2017 we again received support from a village fund of Rp. 50 million. It's not enough either, so we save more budget, "said Sukatno.
Construction can only begin after receiving a village fund allocation of Rp100 million in 2018. With the support of a village fund of Rp200 million received for three consecutive years since 2016 the factory construction project was carried out.
In 2019 Bumdes Bangun Ansanyar again received a village fund of Rp. 90 million. That same year the Bumdes received Rp150 million in assistance from the Ministry of Disadvantaged Villages.
"Kampung Udapi Hilir is rated as the Village with the best building index in West Papua, therefore we get an appreciation of the budget from the Ministry of Health. We use the budget for development and make the processing equipment completely, "he said again.
Sukatno explained, the processing machines in the factory were assembled independently by utilizing recycled materials. So far the machine is functioning normally.
"A week ago we processed 1 ton of cassava and produced 250 kg of semi-finished flour. We still need tools that can produce pure flour products, "he added.
From this production, BUMDes has been able to supply raw materials to the regional home industries. "Like a cracker factory, an egg bean, here we are the frontman. "250 kg of production last week was an order from them," he said again.

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