The government will involve education building shops in Papua

The government will involve education building shops in Papua

The Papua Provincial Government will involve the owners of kiosks, shops and other entrepreneurs to help with the construction of educational infrastructure which is still a problem in most schools.
Head of the Regional Education, Library and Archives Service (DPPAD), Papua Province Christian Sohilait when in Wamena on Saturday, said that from visits to schools, the same complaint was a means of infrastructure.
"There are people who look for food in Papua and have an obligation to education. So far not involved. Or I do not know. Have shops, boarding houses, banks help education," he said.
Christian immediately told the TNI leadership that the TMMD program also be focused on building educational facilities.
"I will tell our military friends not to build roads, build village offices. We want to build a school building," he said.
When visiting a school in Jayapura, Christian said he met a meatball seller who was ready to donate three textbooks every month to the school, where the meatball seller was trading.
"How could a meatball seller contribute books and then a kiosk owner, a shop cannot help," he said. He hopes that through the support of various parties, education in Papua, which has long slept, can come back to life again.

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