New Normal Improves Community Economy in Mimika

Mimika Regent Eltinus Omaleng admitted that the opening of flight activities at Mozes Kilangin Airport was to revive the economy in his region.

"We are opening the opportunity so that the economy is stretching again," he said when interviewed at the Mimika DPRD Office, Friday (10/7).

That way he said, the community could be more free in their activities and businesses could resume running as usual.

Stores that are usually closed in the limitation period have now started to earn better income.

"Yesterday we closed our income down right, the community was difficult. Now it's starting to go up a little, "Eltinus said.

At the time of limiting criminal figures ranging from theft to murder several times occurred, according to him it was only to find food.

"Therefore, I give normalcy so that economic aspects come back to life," he said.

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