It turns out that BIN has never imported mortars from Serbia for operations in Papua

The State Intelligence Agency (BIN) confirmed that the report by Conflict Armament Research (CAR) or a London-based arms monitoring group regarding the purchase of around 2,500 mortars from Serbia for operations in Papua in 2021, was not true.
Deputy II for Domestic Intelligence at BIN, Major General Edmil Nurjamil, confirmed that his party did not have the equipment.

"No, nothing. We don't have it. It belongs to the TNI," said Major General Edmil Nurjamil to reporters, Saturday (18/6).
He conveyed that the artillery weapons found in Papua belonged to the TNI. BIN, he said, had never bought mortars from Serbia as was rumored.

"No. Yes, the Commander of the Regional Military Command has admitted that it is a TNI weapon. We are not playing games like that, Mas. The Commander of the Kodam. Kan has already conveyed which month it is," he said.

Separately, Intelligence and Security Observer Stanislaus Ryanta believes that there is no use of weapons of destruction such as mortars from Serbia. According to him, it was a very cruel accusation.
Because, he said, BIN's job was to gather information, not carry out military operations.

"Everyone knows that. Information about the use of mortars is clearly a cruel accusation with a misleading disinformation strategy," said Riyanta.


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