The Dynamics of Response to the Expansion Policy Do not Distract the Discussion Process, the DPR Ensures that the new autonomous region bill is discussed today

Just a step away, the Papuan people will have three new provinces in accordance with the Draft Law (RUU) for the Expansion of New Autonomous Regions (DOB) as an effort to accelerate development and progress. As we know that currently the discussion process has entered the Problem Inventory List (DIM) in the DPR, based on the latest news that the discussion of the bill will begin today, June 21, 2022. The rapid movement of the central government towards the bill process indicates the government's attention against the land of Papua, while minimizing the dynamics of rejection which has been indicated to be driven by several interest groups.

The turmoil of rejection does not hinder the process of expanding the new autonomous region of Papua

Once again, it should be noted that the Special Autonomy (Otsus) policy for the provinces of Papua and West Papua is basically a special authority that is recognized and granted by the central government to regulate and manage its own territory within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). This authority also means the authority to empower the socio-cultural and economic potential of the Papuan people, including providing an adequate role for indigenous Papuans through representatives of adat, religion, and women embodied in the Papuan People's Assembly.

Through Special Autonomy, the new autonomous region expansion policy emerged as an effort to accelerate development, as well as to cut the distance between facilities and infrastructure services, which were previously one of the problems and obstacles in Cenderawasih. The existence of dynamics in the response to the policy plan for the expansion of new autonomous regions does not necessarily stop the policy process. This was emphasized by Deputy Chair II of the Papuan DPRP, Edoardus Kaize, that the turmoil in the rejection of the expansion of the Papua region that occurred would not hinder the process of forming the new autonomous regions. The existence of rejection is a legitimate thing because it is a form of aspiration.

However, the aspiration of rejection should not be generalized to the fact that then the Papuan people reject the expansion. In addition, the agenda for the expansion of the South Papua New Guinea has been carried out through the initiative of the DPR RI to encourage expansion in the plenary session of the DPR RI. The task of the community is to support and pray for the smooth process of forming new autonomous regions.

Agreeing to Support DOB, Papua Governor Was Branded a Traitor by Former Political Prisoners

Digital footprints are indeed difficult to remove, although at first one of the pioneers of regional expansion in Papua came from Lukas Enembe when he was not yet governor. However, a statement of refusal that had emerged from him about a month ago had been "taken to heart" as reinforcement by those who opposed the new autonomous region's policies, including separatist groups.

A former Papuan political prisoner, Ambrosius Started, considered that the attitude of the Governor of Papua who later supported the new autonomous regions had hurt the Papuan people. According to him, as a governor, you must fully understand the struggle of the Papuan people to voice their opinion, including refusing the division of territory. Ambrose also considered that there were hidden personal interests behind Lukas Enembe's support.

In fact, judging by the steps taken, it is the attitude of refusing the expansion that is classified as treason and inconsistency. Lukas Enembe seemed to have tripped over something until he had time to say the word rejection of DOB. An undeniable fact is that he has proposed a plan for regional expansion in Papua since he served as chairman of the association of Regents in the central highlands, in 2010. Even in 2013 when he was nominated for governor, the issue of provincial expansion became one of the strategies for proposing and attracting people's choices. .

DPR Ensures Papua New Guinea Discussion Starts Today

It was confirmed through a statement by the Chairman of Commission II of the DPR RI, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, that Commission II of the DPR will begin discussing the draft law (RUU) regarding the formation of three new provinces in Papua on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. So, it is hoped that the three bills can be ratified before The DPR will enter a recess in July 2022. It was also explained that the DPR has prepared a draft bill and academic text for the formation of the bill since the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law was enacted, and has disseminated the draft bill and academic text to the Papuan people through stakeholders in the local area.

In addition, the bill has also reached the existing formal political and administrative processes as regulated in the drafting of the law. His party will continue to respect the judicial review process of the Papua Special Autonomy Law which is currently underway at the Constitutional Court (MK).

Association of Regents throughout the Lapago Region Ready to Support DOB

Previously, support for the expansion of the province emerged from the scope of academics and community leaders in various regions outside Papua. Now comes a statement of support from the association of Regents throughout the Central Mountains (Lapago) region. Through a statement by his chairman, Ricky Ham Pagawak in the courtyard of the Mamberamo Regency Regent's Office on Monday, June 20, 2022, he stated that this attitude of support followed the statement of the Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe during the Regional Working Meeting of Regents/Mayors throughout Papua Province, Wednesday 15 June 2022 at the Suni Abepura Hotel, Jayapura City.

Previously, a statement of attitude related to new autonomous regions had never been released from the association. After following and hearing the statement from the Governor of Papua, that he stated that he accepted with the condition that it had to be seven new autonomous regions. And so as a subordinate of the Governor down to the Association. From the association then down to the Regents. Each regional head in the district. The statement of attitude also represents the customary area so that this will be an official statement even if it is not written but will be written directly as the Chair of the Association conveying it to the President of the Republic of Indonesia through the Ministry of Home Affairs and also to the Indonesian House of Representatives.


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