Ministry of Home Affairs: New autonomous regions in Papua bring services closer to the community

The Directorate of Regional Arrangement, Special Autonomy, and the Advisory Council for Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs claims that the establishment of a number of new autonomous regions in Papua is aimed at bringing services closer to the community.

"With the formation of the new autonomous regions (DOB), the approach to service to the community as a whole can run well," said the Director of Regional Planning, Special Autonomy, and the Advisory Council for Regional Autonomy of the Ministry of Home Affairs Valentinus Sudarjanto Sumito in a discussion of the Coordinator of Parliamentary Journalists (KWP) entitled " Prolegnas 2023, Legislation Functions of the House of Representatives are Increasingly Optimal” at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday.
He explained that three new autonomous regions in Papua had been ratified as provinces, namely Law Number 14 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of South Papua. Law Number 15 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of Central Papua and Law Number 16 of 2022 concerning the Establishment of the Province of Papua Mountains.

"We are very grateful because the process is going well in the DPR," said Sudarjanto.

In addition, there is one more new autonomous region, namely the Province of Southwest Papua, whose overall legislative process is almost complete in the DPR.

"It's finished, in Commission II it has been signed by nine factions plus the DPD and the government. So, we are just waiting for the plenary results," he explained.
According to Sudarjanto, the Papua region with special autonomy status is handled differently than other provinces in Indonesia.

"Geographical conditions in Papua require immediate handling of the existing regional arrangement," he said.

He gave an example of people living in Asmat Regency, South Papua, who need government services. Then, those who live in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains, currently still rely on transportation by airplane.


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