Jokowi Forms Papua Steering Committee, Chaired by Ma'ruf Amin" read more here:

President Joko Widodo established the Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua through Presidential Regulation No. 121 of 2022.
This agency will be established to administer special autonomy (otsus) in a number of provinces in Papua. The establishment of this body refers to Law Number 21 of 2021.

"The Steering Committee for the Acceleration of Special Autonomy Development for Papua, hereinafter referred to as the Papua Steering Committee, is a special agency that carries out synchronization, harmonization, evaluation, and coordination of the acceleration of development and implementation of Special Autonomy in the Papua region," reads Article 1 of Presidential Decree No. 121 of 2022.

The Papua Steering Committee will be chaired by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin. He will be assisted by the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

In addition, the Papua Steering Committee will consist of a number of Papuan representatives. Each province will be represented by one person in the agency.

"Members of the Papua Steering Committee who come from representatives of each province in the Papua Province as referred to in Article 5 paragraph (1) letter b number 4 are OAP and not from government officials, the House of Representatives, the Regional Representatives Council, the Papuan People's Representative Council, the Papuan People's Legislative Assembly. Papuan people, Regency/City House of Representatives, and members of political parties," reads article 6 paragraph (1).

Previously, the government had an institution called the Integrated Coordination Team for the Acceleration of Welfare Development in the Provinces of Papua and West Papua.

The team was formed before the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law. The team is also chaired by Vice President Ma'ruf Amin.

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