Youth leaders: Selection of Papuan leader candidates through strict screening

Papuan Youth Leader Ali Kabiay suggested that the selection of future leaders in Papua must go through a rigorous screening process.

"We have to screen the candidates for leaders in Papua, including ideological screening, budget use and morality," he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday.

The chairman of the Mandala Trikora Youth of Papua Province explained that this desire was reflected in the case of the Governor of Papua, Lukas Enembe, who was ensnared by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
Through these three stages, he said, it can be known whether the candidate leaders in Papua really love the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia or not. Next, how they can use the budget well and how their morality.

''This morality is related to divinity so that they can become trustworthy leaders and can become an extension of the central government in the regions. Leaders in Papua must not fight with the central government,'' he emphasized.

Regarding the case of Lukas Enembe, he hopes to become a role model for Papuan youth if he can prove to the KPK that he is not corrupt, is not against the central government, and still shows his love for the Republic of Indonesia.
“Governor Lukas Enembe as a leader must have a big heart because he is an example for the people he leads. Lukas must be present to fulfill the KPK's summons in the context of an investigation to prove his innocence," he hoped.

Ali invites Papuans who are still living around Lukas Enembe's residence not to do things that can disturb the security of residents and regional security.

Because security, said Ali, is the most important factor in developing an area. If security is good, investors from outside the region can come to Papua to invest.

"Let's together maintain the conduciveness of the area and especially respect the Tabi indigenous people as the owner of the customary rights to the Tabi Land because the Jayapura area and its surroundings belong to the Tabi indigenous people, and the Tabi indigenous people are open to anyone," he said.


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