Jayapura Regent inaugurated Khomba Waliyauw . Health Center

Jayapura Regent Mathius Awoitauw inaugurated the Khomba Waliyauw Health Center, Yobeh Village, Sentani District, in Jayapura, Papua Province, Saturday.

Regent Mathius in Sentani, Saturday, said that the construction of the Khomba Waliyauw Health Center is one of the great works of medical personnel in the area.

According to Mathius, the Jayapura Regency Long-Term Development Plan for 20 years or from 2001 to 2022 which has been determined is that the Human Resources (HR) in the 'kambai umbai' earth will be superior in Papua Province.

"So we have to push to improve the education and health sectors, including human resources in the village to manage the potential in each village," he said.

He explained, in improving the quality of human resources, his party recruited medical personnel, teachers and the budget at the village government level was also increased and provided assistance in every sector.

"That's in order to show how human resources in Jayapura Regency excel in Bumi Cenderawasih," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Jayapura District Health Office, Khairul Lie, said that the construction of the Khomba Waliyauw Health Center had been carried out since 2001 with a budget of Rp. 10 billion on an area of one hectare.

He explained that services in the service flow at the Khomba Waliyauw Health Center would be well regulated because the facilities were very complete in accordance with the direction of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.

"So we hope that in the future health services in Jayapura Regency will be better," he said.

Just to note, the inauguration of the Khomba Waliyauw Health Center coincided with the celebration of the 58th National Health Day (HKN) which is celebrated every 12 November.

SOURCE : https://papua.antaranews.com/berita/694453/bupati-jayapura-meresmikan-puskesmas-khomba-waliyauw

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