Jayapura Traditional Leaders Say Papua's Expansion Can Prevent Potential Corruption of Volume Two of the Special Autonomy Fund

Papua Province has now been divided into 4 provinces. The three New Autonomous Regions (DOBs) resulting from division of the parent province of Papua are Central Papua Province, South Papua Province and Papua Mountains Province.

A traditional leader from Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, Nulce Oktovianus Monim, said that the presence of the three new autonomous regions could reduce the potential for corruption or misappropriation of state finances, as has happened in the main province so far.

"I think one of the policies that the central government has implemented is about a new autonomous region. Maybe Central Papua, South Papua, Mountain Papua, they can develop more quickly, whatever the obstacles. Now that it has been divided like this, law enforcers can focus more so that I think there is no more corruption," said Oktavianus, who is also Ondoafi Putali.

According to Oktavianus, the formation of the three new autonomous regions which coincided with the implementation of Volume Two of Special Autonomy (Otsus) for Papua, would make it easier for the Central Government to supervise regional officials throughout the land of Papua in terms of managing the said Special Autonomy funds, so that cases of misappropriation of Special Autonomy funds What has happened so far has not been repeated in the new Special Autonomy era.

What is also important to pay attention to in the era of Special Autonomy Volume Two, said Oktavianus, is assistance from the Central Government to the managers of the Special Autonomy funds.

“There must still be assistance from the central government to the regions, so that every regional official, both bureaucrats and legislators, in carrying out policies must have a balance, there are rules. The companion will remind you that this is against the rules, so that it does not fall back on indications of corruption, there are signs so that irregularities can be minimized," suggested Oktavianus.

Not only can corruption be minimized, continued Oktavianus, but also various superior natural potentials in each new autonomous region will be easier to process and develop to improve the welfare of the local community.

"The national poverty rate shows we (Papua Province) are below the poverty line. This is nonsense. In fact, once there is division, this (poverty problem) can be solved. The Papuan people will be very prosperous, if we manage natural products, the marine economy, and forest wealth well, then maybe the level of welfare for the Papuan people will be extraordinary, exceeding that of other provinces," said this former rowing athlete from Papua Province.

According to him, Otsus is not only about money. But how can the existing Special Autonomy money be managed in such a way by regional officials by involving components of the Papuan community to develop existing natural potentials in raising the level of welfare of Papuans, so that Papuans do not continue to depend on Special Autonomy.

"People who are continuously borne by the state are like people who can't afford it, there are nursing homes. Papuans must be productive. Manage forests, lakes, seas, so that we don't have to live in dependence on the Special Autonomy funds," said Oktavianus.

Responding to the alleged corruption case that ensnared the Governor of Papua, Oktavianus asked Governor Lukas Enembe to be more cooperative and have a big heart. Because according to him, the consequence of being a governor is being ready to be investigated at any time by law enforcement.

"In my opinion, as a traditional leader, I think that before becoming governor, Lukas Enembe already knew the consequences. That is, this is nothing new. Everywhere, officials who carry out government work, if they abuse state authority, must also be investigated. If indeed Mr. Enembe accepts the position of governor, whatever the risk must be accepted, he must have a big heart," asked Oktavianus.

He said that being a governor and the consequences of being examined by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were one package.

"Why do we accept that I am the governor but there are things that must be examined, we don't want it, it's not allowed, it's one package. You can't accept the governorship but don't want to be examined, that's very wrong,” said Oktavianus.

SOURCE : https://www.mnctrijaya.com/news/detail/55995/pemuka-adat-jayapura-sebut-pemekaran-papua-bisa-prevent-potential-korupsi

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